Etsy Weddings

After spending two wonderful years at Etsy, I was invited back to help launch a new content channel for weddings. I worked with Etsy’s editorial team to migrate and edit content for this experimental landing page.

Weddings are one of the most popular stories on the Etsy Blog. Buyers also come to Etsy specifically searching for wedding decorations and accessories. Etsy’s editorial team sought to create a hub for the wedding audience where they can find inspiration for their own ceremony.

The Etsy design team began by developing new Wordpress-powered templates. I extracted and edited wedding content from Etsy’s original blog that I then entered into the new content management system. I followed Etsy’s established guidelines for blog post tagging, titles, and story descriptions. While transferring content to the new CMS, I also accepted wedding stories from new contributors. I managed these relationships via email, edited their raw text, and arranged image permissions. 

I worked in tandem with product designer Kim Bost and the rest of Etsy’s design team. They counted on me to spot problems on the front end. We also worked together to develop styles, like how a caption sat on the page or where to call out the byline. The result is a very clean, simple interface filled with beautiful stories from the Etsy community and beyond. The project was completed in less than three months.

Services provided:
CMS management, writing and editing
